Rossmax TG380 Flexible Thermometer-Flexible Tip
Rossmax TG380 Flexible Thermometer-Flexible Tip

Rossmax TG380 Flexible Thermometer-Flexible Tip

Price: 340 - 340
Minimum Order: 1

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Product details

Rossmax TG380 Flexible Thermometer-Flexible Tip

TG380 Rossmax Digital Thermometer with Flexible Tip

 10 seconds measurement 10 Seconds measurement

Flexible Tip Flexible Tip 

Fever Alarm Fever Alarm

Waterproof Waterproof

Auto shut-off Automatic Shut-off

°C / °F switchable °C / °F switchable

Low battery indicator Low battery indicator

Self-diagnosis for malfunction Self-diagnosis for malfunction


The Digital Medical Thermometer provides quick, highly accurate reading over the human body temperature range. The quality of the thermometer has been verified and conforms to the provisions of the EC council directive 93/42/EEC(Medical Device Directive) Annex I essential requirements and applied harmonized standards. EN 12470-3: 2000 /A1: 2009 Clinical thermometers-Part 3: Performance of compact electrical thermometers (non-predictive and predictive) with maximum device.

Battery Replacement
Place a new 1.5V D.C. button size battery type SR41 or LR41 or equivalent in the chamber with positive side faced up and negative side faced down


Accessories: Batteries, Instruction Manual

Package Contents: (1) TG380 Thermometer (2) Battery (3) Storage Case (4) Instruction Manual

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